Membership Geeks

Aligning Your Members to Your Vision with Steve Pavlina

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Today's guest on Behind The Membership is Steve Pavlina, a prolific name in the personal growth space and owner of the Conscious Growth Club. 

Steve actually has a bit of a different membership model to most you'll hear on this podcast, offering a 12-month membership at a price point of $1997. He also only launches the membership once a year, so his membership is small and intimate by design.

Steve shares some great insights into why he picked this model and why it's worked well for his audience and the kind of results he helps his members to achieve.

Steve has really fine-tuned who his membership is for and isn't afraid to remove those that aren't a good fit, realising that alignment and attracting the right members is absolutely key for the kind of community that he is creating. 

Listen in to hear how going to Disneyland every day for 30 days was what inspired Steve to first start his membership, how 30-day challenges work for his membership community, and how his low-key five-day launches bring him six figures, allowing him to focus on his members for the other 360 days of the year. Plus, of course, much more!

“I would rather keep the community at the same size we have now and never grow it if I had to risk losing that alignment of the members just to go bigger. I would not want to run a community that was twice the size just to make more money if it was painful to run and if members just weren't getting results”

Listen in to hear about:

  • Why Steve decided not to push back his yearly launch despite it being in the middle of a pandemic
  • How going to Disneyland every day for 30 days was what inspired him to think big and create his membership site in the first place
  • Why Steve chose a higher tier annual model for his membership and how that has impacted on his membership community
  • How Steve only opens the membership to new members for 5 days each year, and how he nurtures his audience between launches
  • Why alignment is more important than lots of members, and how Steve handles members who aren’t a great fit
  • How 30 day challenges form the backbone of the paid membership, and how Steve leads by example
  • Why Steve loves launching first and then creating his content alongside his community
  • And why he stopped offering a money back guarantee and payment plans

Connect with Steve:


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